Wow. What a testimony! Thank you for sharing! And happy birthday to Judy!

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Dear Judy: Thank you for sharing. Clearly you have the gift of encouragement and you often do so through your writing. The Lord is using you mightily. It's such a joy to know you. I appreciate following you through your posts. This article reflecting over the decades of your life is very sweet. If you ever come to Boston, how I wish there would be an option to visit with you in person. My heart goes out to you as you grieve for your husband, Steve. Meanwhile, I thank God that you are still able to reach out to others with your writing. God bless you.

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What a beautiful life and testimony Judy has! Eighty years lived for the Lord is certainly something to celebrate!

I'm curious though - I looked for mention of her book, Old Maid is a Dirty Word. She listed her first two as other titles. Perhaps it was renamed as Single and Complete, a book I have not read?

I'll take this comment here to do something I should have done long, long ago and thank Judy for the Old Maid book. It literally played a huge part in changing my life. In the early 80s, I was in grad school, in my 20s, wondering what direction to take, studying and partying, but not walking with the Lord. On a whim, at a downtown bookstore in my college town, I picked up a copy of Corrie ten Boom's Hiding Place and Judy's Old Maid is a Dirty Word. Corrie led me to the Lord, and Judy led me to my purpose in the Lord. I realized that no man would ever be more important to me than Jesus. I realized I needed to give my life to Jesus and live for him, not for myself, not for a relationship with a guy.

Strangely, this freed me up to return to the precious man with whom I had experienced numerous breakups before. But this time, things made sense, our lives came together as we became engaged, married, and will soon celebrate our 40th anniversary.

In my counsel and prayers to my own adult children, I pray often that they will make a commitment to the Lord before they commit to a spouse, and I see God answering those prayers in their lives.

Thank you, Judy, for helping set my lifetime priorities, and for sharing your life with us.

To God be the glory!!!

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