Another Gospel? by Alisa Childers.

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"Jesus didn’t come to create an institution. He came to invite us to join with Him in the community he’s been creating and refining for the last two thousand years." I absolutely agree. The most common reaction I have to church institutions is disappointment. I haven't been abused so much as disregarded. But I know that Christian community is important, so we continue to go to church with sadly lowered expectations.

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We haven't been a part of a church for 6 or so years now. We went through the "church hurt" phase several times. At this point in my life I find the idea of "going to church' totally irrelevant. I miss the "fellowship" in some ways but church relationships are often way to shallow, And I suppose I am as much to blame for that as anyone. The political divisions in our society tell me to stay away from most churches, and the lack of social justice and care for the broken say the same thing.

I hope in the future (once I am no longer providing child care for our grandbaby) to volunteer at a local, non-faith based shelter/program. There is a faith based one in our city, but I don't want to spend time with anyone who may espouse radical RW nonsense. So, bottom line for me. Church is irrelevant/meaningless.

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I always get slammed, rejected, cancelled or ghosted and judged for what i am about to type - but you said it too so I'll be brave - Jesus did not come to establish another religion, He came to complete the old covenant and launch the new, which was the only way back to the Father. Over the last two millennia the ordered concept of worshipping Christ in a building, with a delineated doctrine as the construct has become the thing that humans worship rather than Christ. Once you pass through the threshold of understanding He is more than capable of guiding us, One on one, you find yourself walking the lonely path of a Christ follower. It isn't easy but I've made peace with that.


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